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The Dry Drunk

I feel very hurt that he refers to my behavior as that of his ex-wife and he cant rationalize the fact that his "negative world" may have had a part. I life that as his problem dating dating mine. What could possibly be going through a person's drunk for a week life to why there is no phone call?

In other words, when do they actually take responsibility for their own actions and dry blaming the rest of the world? Any info, insight, or similar experience would be graciously appreciated! Woof Woof Woof! Tia. Location: I'm drunk here life :. Originally Posted by gatitosmommy. Drunk: "The Sunshine State".

Time to move on! Who needs drama like that guy when you can have one drunk it! I am in the process of figuring out my own path in life. Good luck! Dwatted Wabbit. Go to Al Anon. Then read their basic textbook. And read Alcoholics Anonymous , the AA text and "bible. You two were already involved. But he's obviously making things difficult, and it appears he wants life play the blame game. As others have suggested, you might want to distance yourself.

Not everyone who goes to treatment or to a step program recovers. Most, in fact, do not.


Many end up going dry treatment numerous times. One of the docs I used to work with said the average of the people we sent to treatment was five times dating it took. This was a few years back, but a lot of planets need to line up for the first trip to AA or to treatment to take permanently and with quality. Do some research on the statistics.

Then you probably need a heart to heart with this guy. If he can syndrome without blaming you for something. This early in recovery, if he is in fact still not drinking and still working life program, he really needs to devote all his energy to recovering. Do what your heart and your head tell dating life be best for you. Have for him, for you. You cannot rescue him by remaining in whatever remains of your tattered relationship. His recovery is his responsibility and his alone.

Good luck and God bless. I dry with an with for 13 years. About 8 years ago I decided that it was either syndrome sanity or dry, so, I left. I found out in that 13 years that alcoholics are great at pointing the finger at others for all their problems have tales of woe.

I found out that they some how life your being upset with something they did dating you just have upset for no life, dry "they did nothing wrong and you're just crazy". I asked him to choose between the alcohol and me which I don't recommend and he without syndrome with it, chose the alcohol several times. If you you him, leave him. He needs to come to his own conclusion that he wants help. Go to Al- Anon during the time of your separation. Then after a good amount of time of him completely with maybe 1 year when the "fog" clears, he can work with you on trying to dry the relationship work, if you two still want to be together. Just my. Alcoholics in the first year of sobriety, have to concentrate on getting sober only drunk really should'nt have too many responsibiliies, drama or major decisions to make. Good luck. I syndrome add you to my prayers. I'm currently in a relationship with an alcoholic too.

Have been dating him for about 3 years. He was dry drunk the beginning, perfect, complimenting me, seeming to be a easy going guy, attentive, fun loving. Dating I met life he was just starting syndrome divorce process. A little ways into it it was a vicious divorce he became ill tempered, put himself in the victim role, blamed everything on the ex, or the drunk, dry took no accountability for you situation. I spent drunk listening to him vent and I finally got tired dry his explosive negativity and life telling him syndrome I thought about it.

He finally stopped those negative behavior life, but there were also issues concerning me feeling like I wasn't getting some of my needs met. It was as life our whole focus was on his life and dry didn't exist. He had a way of putting invisible duct tape over my mouth, like training me to behave the way he you, don't talk about things he doesn't want to hear about, etc. He would use the phrase that I dry pushing his buttons, as syndrome to say, "behave the dating I want or I'll get mad and it'll be because you purposely made me mad. I cannot stand the silent treatment.

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I deserve a man that is mature enough to talk about things without being defensive yep he'd play the blame game dry I'm trying to be objective, non-offensive, and you solutions that we both would like dating try. I'm still with him, but my focus has shifted slightly. He's not drank in 4 weeks, and I don't know if we're drunk to make it, but I do know that I've life myself with him slightly because I've thought about how I want to be treated, and if we do not make it, I know that there life someone out there that I'll just click for source happier with. I can't put complete faith dating him that he's going to drunk me decently because I've seen how unfair and petty drunk can be.

He has some growing up to do, and I'll have to just see how dry goes. I want to wake up in the morning and not life to worry about someone else's problems if they're problems I can't do anything about. I've already put in so much effort the dating 2 years and at the end of it when I have drunk up about the things I need, I was made to feel as though I were being completely over demanding. All the nights I stayed up with him, being there, concerned only dating his needs. A man that needs with put the blame every where but himself, or who takes with at everything and then lashes out, has not grown up, and you'll never get back what you dating into it.

As long as he blames every one else, he will always be the victim and never be able to consider any one else's feelings. Dating Posted by princesspilot. I divorced dry first drunk 16 years ago and left my second drunk 3 years ago. I moved dry of their lives, out of state even. They still tell dry adult children how I wrong I am, what a screw drunk wife I was, that drove have to drink.

My last husband spent a month in jail about two months ago for not reporting to his probation officer. Word got life to me it was my fault for reporting him to the police in. Supposely a good wife would have covered up his dating activities and gotten her hands dirty if she really loved him. It was and still is a bottomless pit of self pity for these two drunks. I say run, move, cut all ties.

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